18th Senior Ladies Day

Woman Care Trust successfully celebrated their 18th Senior Ladies Day on 31st October 2016 at Community Centre. This time WCT also celebrated Indian festival of lights “Diwali”. Families light lamps, candles and fireworks to symbolise the triumph of light over darkness, wisdom over ignorance and good over evil. About 70-80 ladies attended the event. As usual we started our function with reciting holy prayer “Chaupai Sahib Path” After prayer all the ladies recited “Shabad” and whole atmosphere was filled with religious & spiritual feeling.  After the prayers WCT had arranged for Tea and biscuits for the refreshment of the ladies. After Tea break Ladies performed some exercise to war up their bodies under the guidance and supervision of yoga instructor Paramjit Kaur.  The benefit of yoga is not only helpful in keeping us physically strong and balanced but yoga also offers in uniting the body, mind and breath. When you are in harmony, the journey through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling. Then ladies played some traditional games. Ladies participating in these games help in keeping their minds sharp, bodies strong and spirits high. These games is a wonderful way of keeping them engaged in overcoming loneliness, boredom and depression. Baljit Dheil then distributed prizes to the game winners to keep them motivated and feel energetic. After the games people from Art of living (Sri Sri Gyan Vikas Kendra) showed some exercises to the ladies in creating stress free and healthy life. The exercises showed by them helps in building greater physical and emotional strength , improving intellectual capacity and enhancing memory , learning to love yourself and many other health benefits . After this there was health session organised by Dr Kamal who gave very useful information to ladies to in curing diabetes. She provided information of natural medicines and treatments in curing illness. Dr Kamal not only provided information in curing diabetes using home remedies but also gave tips on taking precautions from getting diabetic. Dr Kamal also answered questions from ladies regarding their health issues. WCT had arranged for lunch for the ladies, Indian Red Kidney beans curry, rice and desert. Being busy and interacting with other people during the day, engaged in lot of activities gives them the feeling of self-accomplishment and their mind gets no space for negative thoughts. The function was another successful moment for Woman Care Trust which will help us in achieving its goal of Woman’s Wellbeing and Community Development.

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